Mini Bagel Pizzas

bagel pizza

Pizza. It is one of those soul-satisfying foods that is generally the enemy of weight loss due to the huge amount of fat and calories in most pizzas. But when you need it there just is no substitute. That's why I had to create this quick & healthy version.

Christine Avanti’s Old Country Pasta Penne Arrabiata

You can make this as spaghetti or penne as shown here. You just can't beat homemade pasta with a rich meaty sauce. If you haven't had turkey as your meat sauce, you are in for a surprise. It's all in the saute which I shall now demonstrate.

Grilled Portobello Caprese Salad

Portabello Caprese

There is nothing better than fresh grilled vegetables, especially when they are seasoned with just the right herbs and spices.  In this recipe I use loads of fresh organic basil because the taste and health benefits are endless!  Here’s the skinny on the beauty of basil….The French call basil I’herbe royale (the royal plant) and…

Greek Grilled Chicken With Oregano & Mint Leaves

Grilled Mint Chicken

Grilled chicken used to be drab. Not anymore – now it's bursting with Mediterranean flavors. You might recognize that gorgeous dark haired sous-chef giving me a helping hand. That's Colleen Williams – the beloved long-time anchor of NBC News LA. Don't just click on"like it", LOVE IT!

Blueberry Muffins

blueberry muffins

A back-to-school treat! Blueberries are one of the world's most powerful and antioxidant-rich superfoods. Summertime is berry season and there's still no tastier way to enjoy super juicy fresh blueberries than good old-fashioned blueberry muffins. But how about sugar-free, fat-free healthy ones that are super-moist and delicious?These high fiber low fat muffins are a much…

Granola Ginger Baked Apple Parfait

These make a fabulous Christmas morning treat to go along with an egg white fritatta or they make a delicious, healthy and festive Christmas dessert. I use rich and creamy Greek yogurt from Voskos (available in most grocery stores). Originally from Southern Living magazine.

Guiltless Grilled Cheese with Roma Tomatoes and Fresh Organic Oregano

grilled cheese

Another one from my forthcoming Haute & Healthy collection. Grilled cheese is a comfort food favorite but you might know that this fried-in-butter sandwich is usually very high in fat. That's why I decided to make it into a healthy version while keeping all the melty, gooey goodness. Fresh organic ingredients take it from ho-hum…

Gluten Free Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

Gluten Free Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

I have been making these brownies for years and the original recipe can be found in my book Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food. Over the years I have modified it a bit and gluten-free flour has come along way in the past 12 years. Now you can purchase one-for-one gluten-free flour, meaning you simply swap…