Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Healthy Blueberry Muffins

My Healthy Blueberry Muffins are here to satisfy your blueberry muffin cravings, with a hint of lemon zest! With less sugar, healthier fats, and the option for whole wheat flour, these treats offer a delicious twist on tradition without compromising flavor. Dive into a world of goodness with every bite!

High Protein Pumpkin Chai Pancakes

High Protein Pumpkin Chai Pancakes

If you're tired of the usual pancake recipes that leave you with a sugar crash, then these tasty cakes are the solution you've been waiting for. Packed with egg whites and protein powder, they provide you with a steady source of energy, and they'll even help boost your metabolism. Plus, the delightful blend of pumpkin…

Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

  I've been baking this delightful pumpkin bread for over 20 years, and it's always been a massive hit! At Christmas time, I like to get extra festive by whipping up mini pumpkin breads, wrapping them beautifully, and giving them as heartwarming gifts to our wonderful neighbors, friends, and family. In this recipe, I've taken…

Protein-Packed Bliss: German Apple Pancakes

German Apple Flax Pancakes

  Tired of the carb-loaded pancake rollercoaster? Say hello to a game-changer! Our German Apple Pancake recipe is here to save the day. For years, I steered clear of pancakes due to their blood sugar rollercoaster effect. But this recipe is a different story. Packed with healthy protein and fiber, it's your ticket to a…

Acai-Blueberry Anti-Aging Smoothie

Acai-Blueberry Anti-Aging Smoothie

This smoothie combines blueberries and acai berries into a single, nutrient-balanced and delicious drink that is a great breakfast or even a post-workout meal replacement. Blueberries are excellent for the skin and acai berries are known for their super-high antioxidant power. I've also included some monounsaturated fats (healthy fats) and great-tasting egg white protein to…

Steel-Cut Oats with Fresh Cherries, Blueberries and Walnuts

Steel-Cut Oats with Fresh Cherries, Blueberries and Walnuts

There's a great outdoor cafe in Los Angeles called Urth Cafe and you might have seen it on Entourage – Vinnie and the boys eat there in nearly every other episode. It is a major celebrity haunt. Anyway, they serve this amazing bowl of steel-cut oats with all the fruits, nuts and milk served on…

Asparagus Mini-Frittatas

Asparagus Mini-Frittatas

Yes this one is a little on the gourmet side and takes more time than most of us have on a typical weekday. But that's why we have weekends and holidays. These nuggets are just delicious and look as gorgeous as they tasteIf you don’t have a sturdy muffin tin, no worries: I find that…